I had a request for more logos from my imaginary sports league. Sadly none of these logos has an easily recognizable subliminal meaning (like the Ohio Bullets logo). In fact these ones are pretty ho-hum, but my requestee asked about teams from Montreal and Quebec. Strangely I don't recall ever doing a team for Quebec, perhaps because I couldn't think of a good French name. My teams from Montreal provide ample evidence of my poor French skills. The team was originally called the 3-D, an expression I'm not even sure exists in French. Then I changed it to the Patriotes, another word I am unsure is a real one. Why call a team from Montreal the Patriotes? Irony, wishful thinking? I'm not sure, I think maybe it was because the Canadiens had a patriotic sort of name, and their nickname Les Hab[itant]s has a historical/patriotic context. On the other hand I'm fairly sure the logo is based on the
Quebec Nordiques, which was one of my favourites. (I still have my Nordiques jersey hanging in my closet).

I'm including the L.A. Frontiersmen mostly because I've already drawn the logo. There were two teams from L.A., the other one being called the Surf. I guess the Frontiersmen came to be called that because California was the final frontier as America expanded to the west to the coast (of course this isn't totally true, because the Spanish had been in California already, but I was 10 or 11 when I came up with this stuff for god's sake). Perhaps I had the San Fransisco 49ers in mind when I came up with the idea of giving them a "historical" name.
yeah yeah baby!
this is a good start.
we want rosters though.
the names, captains, backgrounds...
such creativity cannot go un-appreciated by us, the general public. i really did the patriotes so far. who's their star player? is what's his name still the starting goalie?
Oh shit, really. I don't have players for every team. Maybe I'll see if I can dig up the All-Star roster, that should have a guy or two from Montreal. Don't hold your breath though.
alright, i may have to just use my OWN imagination then. ho-hum.
Yes, please do. Four forward lines and three set of defence, a starting and a back-up goaltender. We also need the name of the coach, so we'll know who we're talking to at the post-game press conference. Lots of French names please.
guy laroche is the aging goalie who may just have one season of greatness left in him.
alexandre duplessis is the rock-solid defenceman with a drinking problem.
Tubby Lipmann is the coach--once with the great Habitants franchise, where he coached them to several Cups, he is now toiling away with a second-level team, trying desperately to coax all-star performances out of second-line rejects.
let's see, what other sports movie cliches can we incorporate???
rejean lefevbre, the slightly queer centre, how about, a gifted skater and goal scorer who would rather be figure skating or acting, but was forced into hockey by his macho father.
that's all i'm getting for now.
You left out Eric Bowman, the spoiled brat from Etobico who was supposed to be the league's next Mats Daseaux (more on him later), but refused to play the first two years because he was drafted by small market Regina, and he felt he deserved big city exposure. Since coming to montreal he's suffered numerous concussions and been more of a liability that a help. Fans in apposing rinks toss dirty diapers on the ice when he plays in town, and his nickname is "Crybaby Bowman."
Also, there is Serge Compte, the brilliant young star with a need for speed. He got drunk one night and killed his best friend while speeding in the new Dodge Viper he recieved as part of his signing bonus. The friends family has forgiven him, and the local police did not want to arrest someone so crucial to the hockey club's success, so it was all swept under the rug. Serge, they say, feels worse than anyone about the accident, and will never do something like that again
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