Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Simple Math: Cars are Expensive

Although I am largely in agreement with Dale Wiebe's letter about how to encourage Winnipeggers to cycle, I don't think any tax breaks are required. After all, someone who commits to cycling year round will save a considerable amount of money without needing any further economic incentives.

I offer the following simplified example. My commute is approximately 118 km a week. If I owned a typical car outright (a 2000 Chevy Cavalier 4-door in mint condition for the purpose of this argument), had no merits on my licence and paid $.90/litre for gas for 48 weeks (one year less vacation time and extreme weather days) it would cost me just over $2000 to run the vehicle. Of course if I had to make payments or repairs on my car or decided to use it for anything more than going directly to and from work that number would probably be more than double.

It amazes me that so many Winnipeggers will drive across town to save $10, but seldom, if ever, think about the real cost of vehicle ownership. Virtually everyone with the wherewithal, and many more without, consider a privately owned car a necessity, but it is not. It is a luxury that consumes vast amounts of their annual income.

Wake up thrifty Winnipeg, a bike is not just a path to better health, it is the road to a fatter wallet.

Original Article (WFP Subscription Only)
Original Letter (WFP Subscription Only)
N.B.: The Photo was taken without permission from the Winnipeg Free Press, Wayne Glowacki was the Photographer

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