Sunday, January 01, 2006

Another Old Love Poem

Although you told me quite firmly
I am not for you
I did not believe it.
My life would be so much simpler
if it were true.
But in the moment
where we were leaning together,
on opposite sides of the bar table,
barely touching
not looking at one another
or saying anything,
in that moment I felt so
warm and electric
you must have felt it too.

I know all of your good reasons
they, along with my fear of losing
what we have,
have kept me here in Limbo
living a shadow life.
My passion is subverted,
it is in the room but unrecognized
like an invisible presence
dangling from the ceiling,
like the haunting spirit
that makes a candle flame
flicker inexplicably.

It is for your heart to decide,
no one else would object,
but you aren't ready to accept
an offer of true love.
I can't stand here
burning myself to the ground,
but neither can I look in your eyes
and not see the beauty before me,
nor can I cease to feel the desire,
utter happiness, and shear desperation
that course through me
whenever I think of you.

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