Monday, November 12, 2007

Letter to the Editor

A letter I submitted today after having read a column by the delightful, but IMHO sometimes mildly misguided, Marlo Campbell.

The inconvenient truth that leaders of the Climate Change movement are also perpetrators of crimes against the environment aught not to be as easily set aside as columnist Marlo Campbell would have it be (Call off the hounds -- green messengers are OK, Mon. Nov. 12, 2007). Mr.’s Gore and Suzuki are both extremely wealthy and respected men who, despite their posturing, have not made the sacrifices to lifestyle they demand of humanity in general. Should the rest of us practice austerity because it is good for us while our multi-millionaire prophets and their cohorts continue to live large? Real leaders set examples with their actions rather than relying upon heart-felt words and vainglorious endorsements from other elites to make their point. They do this because they realize that blatant hypocrisies are an invitation for all to doubt their belief in and commitment to the message they bring.

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