Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Letter of the Day, Winnipeg Sun

Yes readers, I've hit the big time. Yesterday I made "Letter of the Day" in the Winnipeg Sun! No more slummin' at the Freep for me, I've been honoured by the people's paper. It probably helps that the city editor of the Sun is an old classmate of mine from Red River, but I'm gonna take all the credit I can for this one. I'm having it framed as we speak. Just in case you never make it over here to see it for yourself (and because I know it will be ages until it is published in my "Collected Works") I have generously re-published below. (To see it in its original on-line glory click on the title of this post.) Unfortunately they did not post the witty retort on the online version so I can't quote it here with accuracy. It was something like: "And keep lobbying for more trails and bike lanes too."

Respect cyclists

As a winter cyclist who has been regularly honked at and jeered since the first snow fell, I would just like to remind the drivers of this city that cycling in winter is not illegal.

People who opt for this sensible form of transportation deserve your respect in all weather.

Yes, it is slightly more challenging -- and perhaps odd to the uninitiated -- to cycle on top of snow and ice.

However, it is often the case that a rider's biggest winter challenge comes from trying to maintain concentration while facing off against motorists who bully and attempt to scare us off the road with loud noises.

Winter cycling is here to stay, it's time we accept it and learn to live together, Winnipeg.

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