Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Back Yard is a Crime Scene

I came home this morning to find a reporter from the Free Press knocking on my neighbors door. When she got no response she asked if I lived on the block and if I'd heard anything last night. I was house-sitting so I didn't come home last night, but if I would have I might have witnessed a young man bleeding to death from a gunshot in my back yard. Last I heard the boy was still alive. When I left my place at about 2:30 there were still some forensics types mucking about in my back yard, and two media trucks (CBC and Global) had just pulled up. I might even watch the local news tonight to see what they're saying about my neighborhood.

Here's a link to the story the Free Press reporter filed earlier today.


Romeo Morningwood said...

Scary eh?
I had the misfortune of posting about a similar event on my Blog Dec 8 06. Have you noticed how any subsequent information about this event has been BURIED?

This town is far too frickin' complacent about all of this violence.

Ryan K said...

I hope this one doesn't just go away. The kid was 13! Hate to say it, but maybe the fact that he was white (or at least he appeared white in the photo they published) will have an effect.

People who are unmoved by events like this (i.e. suburbanites) tend to disassociate themselves from stuff like this 'cause it could never happen to little Johnny. I think people don't care because caring would force them to confront their values too much. As in: we have a nice suburban home and raising our kids/working our jobs/worring about our own neighborhoods is our main concern; we work hard to stay here in Happyland, and if those poor people worked just as hard they could live here too, away from the violence that breeds in the downtown/North End. Whereas it is, in part, the negligence of everyone, the blindness of those who have the wealth and education to make a difference, but choose to live selfishly, that allows shit like this to happen. (Having said that, I don't know what kind of a difference I've attempted to make.)

Romeo Morningwood said...

Did you peruse the Free Press today and see how your neck of the woods compares to Happyland.

Luckily for the perps we aren't armed to the teeth like the folks in Texas. Last week there was a story about a 'feller' who was on the line @ 911 reporting a break-in at his neighbours house.

This feller decided to just go out an shoot 'em despite the pleas from the 911 operator.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the 13 year old? Is he OK? Who did him harm?
(I miss back lanes on the coast)