Friday, February 29, 2008

Dreaming on a Leap Day

I had some strange dreams last night. I dreamt that Damon and I had gone to a Def Leppard concert (even though we despised them at the height of their popularity, and for the most part still do). We had seats off to the side of the stage. But the band wasn't playing any of their annoying hits, in fact the only song I remember them playing was a cover of a Led Zeppelin song from "In Through the Out Door," it might have been "In the Evening" but I'm not sure. After the show Damon and I went to the Times, but the bar was moved so it was up against the north wall, and it resembled the kitchen area of The Nook, which likely explains why I was back there working.

Next I dreamed of my old house in Charleswood, and Steve Simm showed up on my front step wanting to play Scrabble. For some reason I was in the backyard and I didn't want to come to the front, but I did want to play Scrabble. So I came and got some tiles from him before going back (I think I was BBQing something). One tile had three "i's" on it and was worth ten points. Cool, I thought, this is some kind of modified game, until I realized that there is no word in the English language that has three i's in a row. Then Lee and Devon showed up in a Pirus taxi (with Devon driving) to whisk Steve away. They invited me to their show tonight, but I told them I had plans to see Twilight Hotel (which is true) and that I'd come tomorrow (I don't even know if Crumbs has a show this weekend, but I'm guessing that if they did Devon would not be in it.)


Romeo Morningwood said...

Greetings fellow Citizen.

Are you sure that you don't like Hysteria? Photograph? Animal? C'mon not even a little.

Actually if they were playing covers it would be songs from Bowie's Ziggy Stardust.
Check out The Cybernauts.


Ryan K said...

Alright, maybe I have a shred of fondness for some early Def Leppard, but then they turned into this whole other animal (like Van Halen without changing singers). They sold-out man!

As for what they were singing, it was purely symbolic no doubt, not sure of what. Deciphering dreams has never been my bag.