Saturday, May 12, 2007

In honour of a wedding

I was totally inspired by the wedding of Grant and Alice yesterday. It was a beautiful ceremony, and a hell of a party for two fabulous people that I am lucky to have as friends. It left me feeling all romantic this morning so I dabbled in some poetry by making revisions to an older piece from a journal. Here is the result:

You are the one I love
the one I dream of.
No other soul can fulfill me
the way you can.
Others have been loved by me
but never have they lived in me.

You inhabit all of me
your smell, your eyes, your laughter.
You are every song I sing with feeling
the star of my wildest imaginings.
You are cinnamon sunshine and curry moon-glow
I want to taste every part of you.

Oh how I wonder what it would be like
to kiss your lips every day and night.
I have tried so hard to drown how I feel in beer
or chase it off in the pursuit of other women.
But it always boomerangs back to you
the sweetest, sexiest girl I have ever known.

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