Sunday, December 18, 2005

To the Uninvited Dervish Who Erased My Valued Photos

stupid girl
how on earth did you manage
to erase all the pictures on my camera
you were the cursed guest
showing up a friend of a friend
of a friend

yes it is my fault
for leaving those
photos on there for so long
and in a deeper sense
who really cares
they’re just photos after all

but it is tragic that an annoying
little ditz like you,
with your gross orange mascara
and your big mouth
rid me of the photographic evidence
of my best friends and me
camping on a Mantario island in August


Anonymous said...

Who was the tragic person that allowed that annoying little ditz
with gross orange mascara and a big mouth to handle your camera in such a way? Surely the tregedy is someone taking themselves far too seriously...

Ryan K said...

Man, you've got quite an opinion for someone who is too scared to identify himself. Tell us who you are Mr. Anonymous poopy pants, then bring me something irreplacable of yours and let me piss all over it, okay?

Anonymous said...

I thought I made it quite clear in my blog that I was that" stupid girl". But you win this argument buddy!!! But winning an argument over the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you win you're still a retard.

Ryan K said...

I did eventually realize it was you sweetheart, after having polled the other suspects. By the way, there's nothing wrong with "retards," I happen to know and like quite a few of them (in fact they are my employers). At least they don't leave mean and discriminitory comments on other people's blogs.

Anonymous said...

K retard.