Monday, March 13, 2006

what is the point of higher education?

what is the point of higher education?
is it to make today'’s high school student
in to tomorrow'’s automaton?
is it to weed out undesirable applicants
by way of a multi-year job interview?

or is it a place where your mind is refreshed
a place to cut-down great thinkers
and convention with equal abandon?
where you learn to respect human accomplishment
and think about ways to build on it constructively.

it is sad to see university become a commodity
because it drives up the cost and lowers the quality
but at the same time its good that all these people
get a chance to learn more about their world—
even if they are doing it as part of their job interview.

1 comment:

D. Sky Onosson said...

My own sporadic forays into post-high school education have taught me that there is no point. There are many points, from any given point of view. As a student, the point is to open my eyes, to find my way through knowledge and the world, which also includes working in the world. As a teacher, the point is to make a living, and to find interesting things to say to people who are interested in hearing them. I imagine that, as someone in the beuracracy of a university, there are many complex points to it all, and as government there are even more, divergent points.

What is the point?

I think it is to find out as many of them as you can, and see them for what they are.