Sunday, March 19, 2006

Capitalism is just another form of Slavery

Capitalism is just another form of slavery.
But is more insidious than its predecessors.
You believe that you can win the game—
by collecting all the prizes along the way,
if you have the means.
But in the end it is still all about power and control,
fooling so many ambitious working people into believing
they can mortgage themselves some glory.
Selling the grand fallacy of status through objects
so beyond our natural needs.
Wasting somebody else’s tomorrows
for a number on a balance sheet
and a bigger skyscraper than your rival.
Feeding off the labour of the poor
keeping them down to keep profits up.
“Returns for all stockholders” the unholy mantra,
constant growth like a cancer on earth.
All to finish ahead of Fred,
or keep your title as “World’s Only Superpower,”
as the case may be.
Almost everyone who is not wealthy
is indentured by debt,
debt is a very effective form of slavery.
But to the wealthy!
To the wealthy is a life
of dreams come true
a dream so wonderful
that no one ever stops to imagine
what it would be like
if everyone could have
the same amount of stuff.
Some complain that this is a failed idea
because dictators dressed in Red
were finally spent out on an un-fought war.
and realized that Capitalism
was a more lucrative form of control.
But the trouble with Capitalism remains.
Rich people walking around with blinders on
poor people without the means
to communicate their needs,
and the shrinking, struggling middle
trying to keep their sanity
in a crazy, mixed-up time.

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