Saturday, May 30, 2009

A thought on the seal ban

This is a response to an editorial published in today's Free Press.

Given the absurdity of Europe's ban on seal products our GG's actions were completely appropriate and showed the kind of grit that more of our Queen's representatives should aspire to. I know there a lot of PETA types in Canada, I myself love animals, but we consume the little critters, most of us, and seals have no more right to life than the fish you so fancily fry and the young cows that are slaughtered in the name of veal.

What I take from the GG's actions is that as Canadians we should stand up for the rights of our east-coast fishers, as well as our Inuit people, to make a modest living from the seal hunt; and that we should support them in the face of knee-jerk animal rights policies that are based on lies and misspent emotion.

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