Thursday, February 05, 2009

Most Recent Letter

Here's a letter of mine that was published in today's Winnipeg Free Press:

It is discrimination

Re: Shocked by editorial, Feb. 2.

I take exception to the letter written by David Waldie wherein he comments that there is nothing wrong with holding views against homosexuals. Whether you are hiding behind your religion or some other standard, the fact is that discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation is just plain wrong.

While I dispute Waldie's assertion that a large proportion of Canadians are anti-homosexual, I am not sure that it matters so much, even if it is true. At one time a majority of Canadians held views against people of different races, but as we know today, those people were wrong. Similarly, those who cling to some ancient notion about Adam and Eve are misguided and doing their religion and our world a disservice. Dr. Kamelia Elias may be entitled to hold her beliefs but the newspaper's editors are entirely in the right to condemn those opinions.

1 comment:

Prairie Chicken... said...

nice :)
I get kinda frustrated trying to explain that its a human rights issue sometimes. To me it doesn't seem complicated.