Sunday, October 07, 2007

The forgotten blog

Seems I'm not taking much time to write anymore. I'm not sure why, laziness maybe? Anyway I only work six hours a day so I should have plenty of time for writing, etc. but nothing's getting done. I have been playing a lot of Facebook Scrabulous lately though. I don't think I can claim to be doing anything literary because of it, but here is a pictue of an interesting game I just started.
I have had two Scrabbles (0r Bingos as they are called in Scrabulous terms) in a row. On the second scrabble I used the word LUNGE to make PLUNGED which coincidentally turned the word LUNGE into another PLUNGE. If I were a superstitious person I would be seeing a clogged toilet in my very near future. Anyway, not that this post is particularly useful or thought provoking, but it's a small sample of the kind of minutiae that is keeping me from more important thoughts. If someone knows how I can get my groove back I 'd be glad to hear about it. In the meantime if you want to play some Scrabulous then just challenge me baby.

1 comment:

D. Sky Onosson said...

I like how your blog is intermittent. It's less taxing on the reader!

I'm taking up your scrabulous challenge right now...

If you want to play some chess, go register at (it's better than the facebook interface). Me, Dave and Carlos from the ALfA blog are on there (ids: onosson, Caravaggio, and Chinaski, respectively).

Of course, then you'll probably get nothing written for months...