Thursday, September 06, 2007

First Day of School

Yesterday was my first day back at University in more than 13 years. I decided to take one course with the intent of boosting my GPA while at the same time earning a credit towards a "teachable minor." The course I ended up with is "Islam and the West" a second year History course that explores the development of Western (i.e. Christian) and Islamic cultures comparatively from the fall of Rome. In the first class the Prof. talked mainly about Rome and the crisis that led it to Christianity, followed by the loss of it's western portion two centuries later. He also touched on the Persians, the great near-eastern civilization at that time, the Germanic tribes (aka Barbarians) and the Huns, both of whom were responsible for the fall of Rome. Hopefully this course will not conflict with my intended profession of Educational Assistant, but I can't be completely sure of that yet. The course starts at 4pm so hopefully most of my sub postings will be over by then?!

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