Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I Am Reborn

Change has been a constant of late. There are so many revelations coming to me at once. I feel like I am coming alive, after having suppressed feelings and denied myself of so many things I am realizing that I am here to LIVE. It’s totally liberating. Other people’s problems don’t consume me anymore. I have made time for my wants, and I don’t feel bad about it.

Somebody turned on the light. There is a resplendent dawn in my mind. The air is summer cool and birds are singing. For the first time ever I am standing out on the porch breathing life in, loving it. There have been times when I felt free and full of adventure—like when I wondered through Parc Güell in Barcelona with a cheap bottle of wine and a point and shoot camera—but I have never felt as confident in myself as I do now.

There is nothing stopping me from doing whatever I want. The roadblocks that have slowed me down are lifted, the fog of purposelessness is evapourating. The sexual animal has been awakened, the critical mind quieted. Let life live and breathe, say my dreams, take what you need from it as you take oxygen from the air. Direct yourself to the most bountiful, beautiful fjord you can find and cast an anchor.


D.Macri said...


Druni said...

holy geez you look cute....
and i couldn't be happier for you k-raid

smiling with lots of teeth