I didn't mean for this blog to turn into a big old bitchfest--life is to sweet to be complaining all the time--but then again I'm not really the type to write about the good times. Anyway, I was paying my bills today and I decided to check on how much I owe for my Visa. I got the "Cash Back" Visa because I vowed never to pay interest; I figured I'd get the one that paid me instead. I'm always for screwing the bank as profoundly as I can, but I sure didn't get the better of them on this round. Turns out there is some fine print somewhere on the ultra-complex user agreement they sent me stating that I would not recieve my whopping 1% cash back until I'd purchased more than $3,000 worth of stuff. For me that would mean using my credit card to buy just about everything, and I'm just not that conscientious. So now whenever I go to check my balance I am reminded of the futility of the whole "Cash Back" thing--what a joke.
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